Wednesday 9 September 2015

Avillion Port Dickson (Aug 2015)

Assalamualaikum & hello...

31 August is my younger sis birthday. Every year, her birthday party celebration must be held. It's the power of "anak bongsu" hahaha. 

However this year, 2015, me, my kakak and papa can't celebrate her as usual. What? Eh no... Her party was still going on very well without us. Papa was leaving to some places on that week, while me and my kakak just stay at home.

Fortunately, our generous, pretty and very sempoi aunt, Ibu, brought us on vacation. Me and Kakak were very excited and thankful for this gift. Alhamdulillah. So Ibu brought her kids, Danial & Weena, her bibik, us and mek. There were 7 of us in her Toyota Vellfire going to Port Dickson. We rock you PD! 

Ibu booked Avillion as our accomodation. It was a pleasant stay. Thank you so much Ibu. If I'm not mistaken, chalet kat sini ada 2 types. Yang kat atas pantai and atas tanah. KOT? Hahaha I don't know you please Google!!! Tapi yang I sure, Ibu ambil bilik kat atas pantai which by means, masa air pasang kat bawah bilik kita is air laut and masa air surut kita stay atas pasir pantai. Omg awesome sangat okayyyy

Inside the room

Air tengah surut masa kami sampai

The view from my corridor

The toilet (a must for my review haha)

Masa air pasang

So enough with the room, let's go for some outdoor activities kat pantai. Sebelum tu, bergambar dulu =)

Kakak, Mek, Datin Ibu, Weena, Me & Bibik. Credit to Danial for the pic =)

Ni chalet yang atas tanah tu

Bila sampai kat pantai, ada some activities yang menarik kita boleh main. I told you earlier - semua game ni cost many ringgit. Haha so just make sure you prepare byk cash *kaching kaching. Kalau dah sampai pantai tapi tak banyak cash susah la pulak nak g cash out kan. Prepare la siap2 kalau nak main. So... we played...

What raft? haha I don't remember the exact name

This one I know. It's Banana Boat

Our last game - Jetski. It was my first time naik ni. Besttt hehe. 
p/s thanks adik weena jadi model aku :p

When it almost dusk, kami balik ke hotel. And... siapkan diri lawa2 untuk dinner that night. I love food, and masyaAllah subhanallah. Seronok sangat. Macam2 makanan ada. You know la kan buffet macam mana... FoodHeaven gais!!!

Happy dinner

Because I love desserts so I took their pics

I chose

After the dinner, we played pingpong. Ibu jadi coach  

Some of my breakfast the next morning 

A pretty lady fishing at the balcony. Dapat apa dik? HAHA

End of our short vacation

Me and Kakak slept over Ibu's house that night and guess what. Ibu brought us for a movie pulak. We watched Hitman.

And that's how we celebrated our Merdeka day 2015.

Happy Merdeka Day Malaysia
Happy 20th Birthday my dearest baby sister. 

p/s Thank you so much Ibu & family. "How can we not talk about family when family is all that we got". Semoga Allah murahkan rezeki Ibu sekeluarga. Amin. 

p/s Let's repeat vacation! *mukasenyum*mukasenyum