Saturday 21 November 2015

Graduation Day (Nov 2015)

Assalamualaikum & hello fellas,

Lama I tak update blog kan. Korang sihat ke? I knew some of you waiting for my blog post yang tak best ni, sorry... It's either I takde masa, I malas or line internet I slow. Hiks ;-)

So, lets go back to Nov 2015 yang mana dah ter-rekod hari bersejarah I. Apparently, I tahu dah this graduation ceremony will be my first and last. I masuk matriculation for a year right after SPM, and after few months I buat bachelor degree kat UNIMAS. Anddddddd for sure I tak nak dah sambung Master, PhD ;-0

Trillion of thanks to my family whom coming to my university just to see I'm on the stage especially papa, mama and mek. I tak tahu nak express gratitude macam mana. Tapi just imagine my family semua datang Sarawak 2 hari, tengok I yang dorang selalu tengok dah, gave me lots of flowers then fly back. I really appreciate this moment and will never forget it. Promise

I was late on that day! It's just me and 2 other friends yang lambat. I don't know why maybe sebab I tak tahu nak plan time carefully. Biasanya rumah sewa I dekat je ngan uni tapi that time I stay rumah cousin I kat Kuching sana. 

I still remember the journey. Exactly. Umur 18 tahun I terpisah dari keluarga, pergi ke Melaka (tempat yang I takde kenalan pun) belajar dan membesar. Masa tu I tak tahu macam mana nak beli tiket bas express, I tak tahu macam mana nak boarding flight alone, I tak tahu cara nak cari and naik bas, I tak tahu banyak benda. Terlalu banyak sampai kawan2 I gelakkan I. 

I belajar. Setahun kat Melaka, struggle gila punya gila dengan my studies. Sampai la I tahu dah macam mana nak beli tiket bas. I takde hal nak boarding flight sorang, beli tiket flight online, nak cari bas kita yang mana, turun kat mana apa semua. I bangga dengan diri I masa tu, serious =) HAHAHA

Umur 19, 2012, I merantau ke tempat yang lebih jauh selama 3 tahun. Sarawak Bumi Kenyalang. Masa tu uncle I ada kat IPK Sarawak tapi I tak pernah pun jumpa dia kat sana. So ibaratnya sebatang kara lah I di bumi Sarawak. Mula2 I dapat offer ke UNIMAS, papa I tak lepas I pergi. Panjang kisahnya tapi takdir menentukan I masuk 3 minggu lewat dari tarikh asal. Guys, 3 minggu lewat I tak masuk orientasi yang I paling minat. HAHA That time I fly ke Sarawak berdua dengan papa, check in hotel one night (I demam sebab perubahan cuaca), papa terjumpa Vice Chancellor UNIMAS dekat lobby hotel, esoknya I register, masuk kolej, and papa terus fly KL. I terkesima kot.

Apa I buat? I berkenalan dengan semua orang dalam rumah I. Diorang semua sangat baik and I sayang diorang. Hehe I tanya macam2 pasal sistem universiti, sistem kolej and I even read the university guidelines' books! The biggest problem I encountered masa tu adalah housemates I semua bukan course I and the subjects registration was online!!! Nasib baik Allah kenalkan I dengan seorang hambaNya ni few months before masuk uni, dia banyak tolong I. Malam tu jugak I keluar dari bilik sorang2, pergi ke Student Pavillion yang I sendiri tak tahu kat mana untuk jumpa kawan I ni. Boleh tahan jauh and I tanya orang sepanjang perjalanan I mana Student Pavillion! Thanks to you Quya for helping me registered the courses online and throughout the semester. I'll never forget!

Sem 1-Sem 6, macam2 benda berlaku macam2 pengalaman I timba. Cerita 3 tahun yang akan sentiasa mekar dalam hati I. Class, lab, fieldtrip, hangout, lecturers, classmates, housemates, roommates, rumah2 sewa, kereta yang papa pos, jiran2 yang I sayang, raya haji, miss flight. Argh macam2. Kalau I cerita memang boring. HAHA k bye.

Time I study abroad ni (lah sangat) papa I dah berhijrah ke KL. Ada satu masa I balik ke KL dari Sarawak untuk cuti semester, papa I takleh fetch kat airport sebab dia main golf. Papa ajar I balik naik KLIA Ekspress dari airport ke KL Sentral. Dari KL Sentral beli tiket LRT sampai stesen dekat dengan rumah. Guys, I orang Kelantan. I membesar dekat kampung je. Mana ada LRT bagai. I pernah naik dengan cousin tapi I tak tahu cara macam mana. Masa tulah I jadi manusia yang rajin bertanya, semua orang I jumpa I tegur, I tanya, I gilap soft skill I kat situ. I borak dengan  macam2 orang, macam2 warganegara. I belasah je. Hasilnya? Sekarang campaklah I kat mana2 you suka... InsyaAllah I'll survive excellently (pergh riak ni kan?) tapi serious I bangga dengan pencapaian I yang ni. Perempuan yang selalu keseorangan. HAHA bukan apa I tak suka nak balik ngan member ramai2. I tak suka menunggu orang. I jalan nak cepat je. I nak makan I masuk je mana2. Banyak2 masalah I serabut. So disebabkan itu most of the time, I fly sorang diri. And I learnt a lot! I have many friends yang sampai sekarang I contact hasil jumpa dalam flight :') Makcik, pakcik, Dato, Datin, abang2, kakak2, adik2... phewww 

I memang hidup sendiri kat sana. I sewa rumah, I random je pilih roommate, I masak, I drive alone everyday, I drive alone pukul 2-3 pagi balik dari library, I tengok orang kena ragut, I hantar kawan2 balik rumah. I culik kawan2 I ajak g McD 24hrs. HAHA priceless... Hah, tuptup... I dah boleh grad within 3 years! Alhamdulillah, syukur ya Allah.

My handsome papa - I owe you a lot! Thanks for everything.
I love you so much
(My sister curi2 took the pic while the official photographer shoot for formal one)

My beautiful mama. I love you <3

I love fresh flowers! Thank you semuaaaa <3

Ni junior2 I yang I paling sayang. Akim & his girlfriend.
Thanks for the bouquet. I pray you guys cepat kahwin. Amin :-)

Lepas balik dari UNIMAS, I photoshoot lagi kat rumah cousin I. 
Love you papa. Adik won't be here without you.

And then, I usik my grandma, Mek. I asked her to wear this, hold like this and bla3.
Dia marah I but I know she was happy... <3

p/s I dah dapat official pictures. Nanti ada masa I share kat sini. Have a nice day everyone. May Allah bless all of you. Thanks for reading.


Monday 5 October 2015

Papa turns 49

It should have happened on October 3rd. Tapi memandangkan my two sisters kena balik universiti masing2 on that day, kami celebrate awal satu hari =)

It wasn't a plan actually.

We have ideas. Yes tiga2 beradik ada idea yang gempak2, best2 untuk suprise-kan papa. But I have to admit dalam banyak2 idea, idea Baby paling merepek. Hahaha. Kakak somehow macam just follow whatever plans that we suggested.

On the same day (noon), me and Baby discussed with Ming (aunt) about the surprise birthday party. Fortunately, Along (Ming's daughter) heard about it and proposed another good idea.

Hmm yeah, we did it just like Along's plan.

Masa tu papa tengah main golf kat KGSAAS, Shah Alam. Papa akan balik rumah dengan Kakak around pukul 8 malam. So tinggal aku dengan Baby je kat rumah. Around 6pm baru kitorang gerak dari rumah cari kedai kek. Cari area Melawati, kek tak jual sebiji jual slices je. Waze lagi cari Pistachio Bakery sampai ke Taman Permata. OMG can you imagine macam mana jalan masa tu? Jem sangat2 sampai rasa nak sapu kat roti. Hmm *lame* 

Tapi nasib baik lah bila sampai kedai tu, semua kek dia cantik2 and kami berdua sangat teruja memilih kek. Haha harga kek sangat murah dan saya jamin kesedapan keknya. Kami pilih kek yang paling simple dan kecil2 sahaja sebab tahu dah takde orang nak makan (lagipun semua balik U masing2 lepas ni). 

RM35 - Vanilla cake *simple and sedap

Lepas beli kek, kami straight ke Victoria Station Jalan Ampang. Mak aih... Menangis dalam kereta. Serious jam time tu. Kami pulak duk berdebar2 takut papa tak nak dinner, takut papa syak la apa la. Uwaaa... Sambil berdebar sambil tiup belon aku ni. OMG I can't belive that I just blew balloons! Aku ni paling takut kalau kawan2 main lastik getah la, nak bukak ikat bungkus nasi la... Haha same goes to balloon. Kalau dia pecah aku memang rasa berdebar. Over kan? Hmm tapi nak buat macam mana, papa punya pasal 5 belon aku berjaya tiup. Hahaha and sungguh geram dengan Baby, dia tiup 1 belon je. Tapi okay la sebab dia drive kan. Ahaks =)

Kat VS pulak lagi kelakar. Acara komplot dengan pekerja kat sana. They asked us to book for the night but I told them I can't. Cause my dad will notice about it. I just want them to deliver the cake while we eat. So many funny things with the staffs that I don't know how to express here. Diorang suruh pick a table - My sis said "Cannot. Papa saya will pick by himself. It's a surprise for him. We don't want him to expect a thing"

Then bila diorang dah faham the concept is, kitorang balik.

Kakak suddenly called time kami menempuh jam MRR2. Dengggg, memang gabra habis la kan takut plan tak jadi. Kakak said dia dengan papa dah sampai rumah. Bila balik kami semua cepat2 get dress and do simple make up. Till this moment, papa tak hidu our plan. 

Papa tanya "Adik ngan Baby pergi mana?"

"Err... Ampang Point!" both of us. *hahaha sorry papa, tipu sunat*

Tadaaa..... Sampai VS, macam biasa... Masuk, duduk & order. Senyum2 kat staff tu biasa la kan. Haha everybody knows the plan. =)

Mixed grill - Our fav la kot sebab kami selalu share food haha (Me and Baby)

Food orang lain macam... saya tak ambil gambar pun. HAHA stick to original plan. Kami bertiga berdebar-debar tunggu saat tu. Tak sabar nak tengok papa's reaction!

Tiba2 bunyi orang nyanyi lagu Happy Birthday. OMG ingatkan untuk papa, rupanya orang meja lain. Hahaha Baby dah sepak2 kaki aku. Apa benda la, lagi buat aku berdebar2. Hmm aptb. Pffttt
Semua orang tepuk tangan so do us. Then the funny part is papa said "Okay tepuk tangan lah untuk birthday dia"

Dia tak tahu lepas ni dia punya! Hahahaha

Bila dah makan halfway, kami bagi signal kat Azad (the person in-charge). And.........

He was over the moon =)
* Tengok la belon I tiup... Pheww*

Lastly, Papa picked the same table we used to dine in with the same people arrangement. Huhu

"I still feel like a little child when I look into your eyes. 
If I can be even half of the person you are, I will consider myself to
be an extraordinary human being. Thanks for showing me the way, papa."
Happy birthday.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Avillion Port Dickson (Aug 2015)

Assalamualaikum & hello...

31 August is my younger sis birthday. Every year, her birthday party celebration must be held. It's the power of "anak bongsu" hahaha. 

However this year, 2015, me, my kakak and papa can't celebrate her as usual. What? Eh no... Her party was still going on very well without us. Papa was leaving to some places on that week, while me and my kakak just stay at home.

Fortunately, our generous, pretty and very sempoi aunt, Ibu, brought us on vacation. Me and Kakak were very excited and thankful for this gift. Alhamdulillah. So Ibu brought her kids, Danial & Weena, her bibik, us and mek. There were 7 of us in her Toyota Vellfire going to Port Dickson. We rock you PD! 

Ibu booked Avillion as our accomodation. It was a pleasant stay. Thank you so much Ibu. If I'm not mistaken, chalet kat sini ada 2 types. Yang kat atas pantai and atas tanah. KOT? Hahaha I don't know you please Google!!! Tapi yang I sure, Ibu ambil bilik kat atas pantai which by means, masa air pasang kat bawah bilik kita is air laut and masa air surut kita stay atas pasir pantai. Omg awesome sangat okayyyy

Inside the room

Air tengah surut masa kami sampai

The view from my corridor

The toilet (a must for my review haha)

Masa air pasang

So enough with the room, let's go for some outdoor activities kat pantai. Sebelum tu, bergambar dulu =)

Kakak, Mek, Datin Ibu, Weena, Me & Bibik. Credit to Danial for the pic =)

Ni chalet yang atas tanah tu

Bila sampai kat pantai, ada some activities yang menarik kita boleh main. I told you earlier - semua game ni cost many ringgit. Haha so just make sure you prepare byk cash *kaching kaching. Kalau dah sampai pantai tapi tak banyak cash susah la pulak nak g cash out kan. Prepare la siap2 kalau nak main. So... we played...

What raft? haha I don't remember the exact name

This one I know. It's Banana Boat

Our last game - Jetski. It was my first time naik ni. Besttt hehe. 
p/s thanks adik weena jadi model aku :p

When it almost dusk, kami balik ke hotel. And... siapkan diri lawa2 untuk dinner that night. I love food, and masyaAllah subhanallah. Seronok sangat. Macam2 makanan ada. You know la kan buffet macam mana... FoodHeaven gais!!!

Happy dinner

Because I love desserts so I took their pics

I chose

After the dinner, we played pingpong. Ibu jadi coach  

Some of my breakfast the next morning 

A pretty lady fishing at the balcony. Dapat apa dik? HAHA

End of our short vacation

Me and Kakak slept over Ibu's house that night and guess what. Ibu brought us for a movie pulak. We watched Hitman.

And that's how we celebrated our Merdeka day 2015.

Happy Merdeka Day Malaysia
Happy 20th Birthday my dearest baby sister. 

p/s Thank you so much Ibu & family. "How can we not talk about family when family is all that we got". Semoga Allah murahkan rezeki Ibu sekeluarga. Amin. 

p/s Let's repeat vacation! *mukasenyum*mukasenyum

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Penang (Feb 2015)

Assalamualaikum & hello all,

Okay this time jom kita ke Penang. I'm quite rushing to publish this post because the library gonna close soon.

I went to Penang with my matriks' bestfriend, Fifa. And we have our bodyguards with us, kawan sama matrik jugak... Haikal & Azaan. It was really a simple plan and alhamdulillah the plan menjadi very smooth. We booked AirAsia flight tickets KUL-PEN for RM78 two-ways (each person). Very cheap right compared to bus and taxi fares?

Haikal & me never been to Penang before unlike Fifa & Azaan. Thank God Fifa and Azaan made everything easier for me & of course for our trip this time. I love you both, babes.

We rode on a bus at the Penang International Airport to Komtar area since our hotel is around that area. The journey took about 30mins plus OMG we're so hungry in the bus. Menyesal pun ada sebenarnya nak jimat duit sampai menyusahkan diri. HAHA we have to stand in the bus you know...

Sampai je area Komtar, weolls terus ke Yasmin Nasi Kandaq. Lapaq woi... Puas hati dengan makanan, kitorg check in hotel comel kitorg ni. Punya la sesat, tanya 1000 orang kami ke kiri ke kanan and alhamdulillah tetiba one of us said outloud "eh, ni la hotel kita kan?" =)

Nama hotel : Wassup Youth Hostel
Cara book : Online (
Bilik kami booked : 2 single-bed female dormitory with private bathroom & 2 single-bed mixed dormitory with private bathroom (sorry for the boys sebab dorm untuk semua lelaki takde. tapi nasib baik housemates dorang masa tu semua lelaki. hahaha)
Harga : RM30+ per night per person
Hotel condition : Sangat bersih, sangat lawa, sangat selesa, sangat murah. Highly recommended pada backpackers/travellers.

Features of Wassup Youth Hostel
24-hour front desk
bicycle rental
family room
laundry service
luggage storage
safety deposit boxes
shared kitchen
shared lounge/TV area
smoking area
vending machine
Sports and Recreation
games room
table tennis
free Wi-Fi in all rooms
Wi-Fi in public areas
Languages Spoken
Chinese (Cantonese)
Chinese (Mandarin)

Before naik ke bilik, shoes off

Tempat perjumpaan kami pagi-pagi =)

Tempat kami habiskan masa malam malam

Boleh tengok TV kat sini sebab dorm takde TV haha

Tempat fav Fifa, Azaan & Haikal. Sikit-sikit beli air, sikit-sikit beli air. hmm

Our ladies dorm (Untung rasanya sebab 2 malam tu cuma aku ngan Fifa yang stay. Rasa macam duduk 2 orang je lahhh)

Bab toilet mesti membanggakan aku. Kalau tak aku tak review. Haha

Okay la untuk sebuah dorm kan? 

Kononnya penat sangat semua, lepas dah kenyang, masuk aircond, semua tidur. Haha apakah makna holiday? Malam tu semua bangun bersiap sebab lapaq. Straight ke Padang Kota untuk Char Kuey Tiaw.

Tapi... serious kami hampa. Ini... RM8 dan tak sedap langsung

Malam yang hampa tu, kami isikan dengan round2 area Padang Kota and pukul 10 malam balik hotel. Main UNO Stacks. HAHAHA

Second day, kami bangun tanpa kehampaan. Mencari yang lebih terangkat. Roti canai Transfer Road. Fifa ni sangat brilliant orangnya, aku tanya macam mana dia tahu all those nice places and she said "Foursquare!" Tanpa berlengah aku download app tu. Betul, bagus baca review orang.

Kali ni tak mengecewakan. Sedap & murah.

Dah kenyang pekena roti canai, kami ke Penang Interactive Museum. Kat sini kalau tak lebih 10 keping ambil gambar memang tak syok. All the murals were very nice drawn, looked alive and I love every single picture that being displayed. Well, please scroll down and see some of our annoying pictures, 


"Penat saya tarik, pakcik ni... jangan la bertongkat tangan kat situ" 

Siapa nak popcorn? Saya bagi free..... testing!

"Gagoh ali gagoh muso"

"Hold my hand please Spiderman! Let the guy fall but please take me :p"

Wait.., what happen?

I'm hungry, sorry...

Keluar dari museum tu tengok2 dah hampir waktu Zohor. The boys kalut dah nak g solat Jumaat. Aku and Fifa balik bilik konon nak kemas2 la apa yang patut sebab esok dah nak chow. Maafkan kemengantukan kami. Lulz.

After the boys siap solat Jumaat, kami singgah Nasi Kandaq Line Clear. Tak puas lagi tu semua bedal nasi kandaq. 

Next destination Penang Hill : Bukit Bendera. I love this place so much. Lawa, kemas, terancang. My friends said dulu keretapi dia kayu je, now dah upgrade macam LRT. If I'm not mistaken, students will get student price. So don't forget to bring your matric card haa? 

I believe I can fly...

The only nice picture of us. May this relationship lasts forever, amin. (Fifa ngan Azaan sangat terhibur baca ayat-ayat kat padlock tu) So kalau korang nak sedikit hiburan kat atas ni, baca la padlock tu :p

Our train approaching... It's time to go back... 
Good bye Penang. 

Penutup hari kedua, we dropped by at Batu Ferringi. Well Fifa said we could see the sunset at the beach there. Sadly... no, we didn't make it. Tahu-tahu je eh dah gelap ni jom balik. Hmm at night, kami just jalan-jalan area Komtar. Makan kfc sebelah komtar. Balik packing-packing barang & tidur.

The last day, kami jalan2 area Komtar lagi. Beli segala jeruk and souvenier sikit. Balik hotel solat, checked out, and ke stesen bas Komtar. Off to Penang International Airport. Lepak there for so many hours sebab Fifa salah interpret boarding time dengan flying time. Haha tak apelah, no regret. Arrived KLIA at 8pm and went separated ways..........................

Thanks for everything, travel-mates! Next destination pls? Hahaha
